miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

News headlines!


1.- A cure for swine flu is now available.
2.- Ecuador´s economy is recognized in the top 10 worlwide.
3.- Correa finally ran away from Carondelet.
4.- The US and Venezuela began negotiations.
5.- Barcelona S.C won the National Championship.


1.- The swine flu leaves 400 victims in Ecuador.
2.- Correa will stay until 2020 as President of Ecuador.
3.- World War III has began.
4.- The unemployment rate in Ecuador is 25%
5.- New currency in circulation in Ecuador.

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Food Matters

It's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker with nutritionally-depleted foods and lots of chemical additives, so that´s why we almost always ask ourselves, why do we have malnourished bodies?
'Food Matters' sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide, and let us know more about the "Sickness Industry". The filmmakers had interviewed several world leaders in nutrition and natural healing, who claim that not only we are harming our bodies with improper nutrition, but that the right kind of foods, supplements and detoxification can be used to prevent, arrest, and even reverse chronic illnesses.
Nowadays and worlwide, there is a lack of a nutrition culture, and we may find guilty health care practitioners because they don´t have the time to educate people about alternative treatments and healthy living, because I believe it's about education, not just medication.
With access to solid information, people invariably make good choices for their health. There are simple lifestyle changes that we as individuals can make to start reversing the increasing levels of serious illnesses.

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009


Kymatica is an excellent film that tries to point out the fundamental error that humanity faces today and that has led to imbalances between the planet, nature and species. Explains shamanism, duality, and the reality behind the false beliefs and modern DNA.
This film is the synthesis where converges philosophy, quantum physics, evolution and man's ancient quest to understand his own existence. It also focuses on the human being and the universe, the points of the mental disease that mankind has created as the main cause of pain and suffering, etc.
We may know many things, we may even think we know almost everything. How can we be that sure? Would not it be possible that a vast knowledge beyond our true hidden deeper inside? The power of will is waiting for us, we must keep searching.


"Anglo-Saxon" in linguistics is still used as a term for the original West Germanic.
The term "Anglo-Saxon" first appears in the time of King Alfred the Great. The term Angli Saxones seems to have first been used in continental writing nearly a century before Alfred's time by Paul the Deacon, historian of the Lombards, probably to distinguish the English Saxons from the continental Saxons.

The term is a compound of two tribal names, each deriving from what is now Northern Germany, namely the Angles and Saxons.
The Old English terms ænglisc and Angelcynn ("Angle-kin") when they are first attested, had already lost their original sense of referring to the Angles to the exclusion of the Saxons, and in their earliest recorded sense refer to the nation of Germanic peoples who settled England in and after the 5th century.

While the name Angles is continued in the modern endonym of the English, the name of the Saxons survives in the Welsh and Gaelic names, Saeson and Sassenach.
The modern english language which was later expanded and developed through the influence of Old Norse and Norman French, though linguists now more often refer to it as Old English.
"Anglo-Saxon" is often used to designate any of the modern peoples of the British Isles and their descendants throughout the world. The definition has varied from time to time and varies from place to place.

Outside Anglophone countries, both in Europe and in the rest of the world, the term "Anglo-Saxon" and its direct translations are used to refer to the Anglophone peoples and societies of Britain, the United States and other countries such as Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

Recent genetic testing has suggested that only twenty per cent of the native English are genetically Anglo-Saxon, and that almost all the rest is nearly identical to the Scots, Irish, and particularly, the Welsh.

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

What the bleep do we (you) know?

1.- Quantum physics is the physics of the probabilities.
2.- The brain processes 400 billion bits of information, but we use 200 billion bits.
3.- The brain records what it has de ability to see.
4.- Quantum physics are the thoughts or hypothesis about what it´s happening.
5.- It is an enigma to the laws of physics that if we do something right now, it may affect the future but not to the past.
6.- In quantum theory, we can rewind time.
7.- The particles may be 1 or 2 at the same time and in simultaneous statements.
8.- Atoms are not things, they are just trends as Heisenberg said (co-funder of quantum physics).
9.- Most people don´t affect the reality in a conscious way, because they think they can´t.
10.- Positive thinking is just disguising the negative thinking that we have.
11.- The reality is summed up in experiences.
12.- The brain forms all its knowledge according to the law of associative memory.
13.- Every emotion is chemicals printed in holographic form.
14.- The body is a machine that produces proteins.
15.- There is a chemical in our brains for each emotion.
16.- The cell is the smallest unit of consciousness in our body.
17.- Addiction: Something you can´t stop.
18.- If you can not control your emotional state is that you are addicted to it.
19.- Our mind literally creates our body.
20.- Aging is caused by an inadequate production of proteins.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2009


Rape is a form of sexual activity that occurs without the consent of the victim and includes the use of force and implied force.

Rape is not a crime that usually occurs in dark alleys or in deserted areas at night, as a matter of fact women are likely to be raped anywhere and under any circumstance. Female rape is the fastest growing crime in the United States, nowadays 1.3 women are raped every minute and 83% rape cases are ages 24 or under.

The post-traumatic stress disorders victims suffer after a rape, are:
-Difficulty sleeping
-Increasing fears
-Difficulty concentrating, etc

A big question is: What changes after a rape?, and the answer is EVERYTHING!!, you change your mind, change your lifestyle, your daily routine, your believes, dreams, goals, even your clothes, etc; I mean you change almost everything in your life and you don´t even realize because it not depends on you; the things just change as an answer of the violence you experienced. Maybe you want things to change so that nothing can reminds you that awful violence you experienced.

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009


Once upon a time, there was an indigenous girl called Genesis, she was from General Hitler´s Generation. Her gender was female obviously.
Genesis had a unique charateristic about her genes, one day doctors discovered they were very weird when they studied her genome, it was very difficult to describe it!. Her genetic composition had already made her nervous system degenerative, and it had generated a liquid that was a mix of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and zinc.
Doctors recommended Genesis just to stay calm, and not to alarm herself because it will work out only with special generics.
The years passed and nothing happened to Genesis, in the other hand the advantage of her childhood´s disease, was that she became more gentle, generous and also a genius!, and why was that? Because she used to spent her time developing her artistics habilities, and began composing very beautiful songs. Nowadays, she had writen a lot of lyrics for many known artists, her favorite genre is jazz.
Two years ago, she met a handsome gentleman and got married to him.